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Newsletters & Annual Reports
In this issue: highlights from our work against Operation Lone Star, reflections from our NAC Conference in Houston last year, and a summary of our annual Burton Awards ceremony.
Each year, the ILRC distributes thousands of copies of our 23 manuals and provides legal assistance on more than 8,100 issues to pro bono and nonprofit advocates, as well as public defenders, through our national Attorney of the Day service. In any given year, our staff attorneys conduct hundreds of trainings, community meetings, task forces, and workshops. In 2022, the ILRC held 286 in-person and online seminars and webinars for over 20,000 attendees and participants. The ILRC also leads meetings and workshops where thousands of immigrants are screened for legal options while learning about their rights and responsibilities in a democratic society. Since 2011, the ILRC, as the lead of the New Americans Campaign, has helped more than 580,000 immigrants complete their applications for naturalization.
Each year, the ILRC distributes thousands of copies of our 23 manuals and provides legal assistance on more than 8,000 issues to pro bono and nonprofit advocates, as well as public defenders, through our national Attorney of the Day service. In any given year, our staff attorneys conduct hundreds of trainings, community meetings, and workshops. In 2021, the ILRC held 193 in-person and online seminars and webinars for almost 15,000 attendees and participants. The ILRC also leads meetings and workshops where thousands of immigrants are screened for legal options while learning about their rights and responsibilities in a democratic society. Since 2011, the ILRC, as the lead of the New Americans Campaign, has helped more than 560,000 immigrants complete their naturalization applications.
In this issue: Fighting against Operation Lone Star, New Americans Campaign Update, and highlights from the 2022 Burton Awards and more!
In this issue: The Fight for a Permanent Inclusive Legislative Solution, ILRC Field Office Run Down, #FindYourAlly college outreach digital content, and much more!
In this issue: New Americans Campaign Celebrates 10th Anniversary, Policy Highlight: ILRC v. Wolf, Youth At the Border, and more.
In this issue: HETAP - Reaching Immigrant Students on College Campuses, Organizing - The Heart of the Movement, Office Roundups, and more.
In this issue: Message from the ILRC, All Virtual Burton "Event" Honors Frontline Heroes, and the 2019 Annual Report
One of the most heartbreaking and galvanizing assaults on immigrant and human rights in 2018 was the administration’s policy of separating families seeking asylum, or other relief, at our borders. Read about how the ILRC responded in our 2018 Annual Report.
In this issue: In Focus: Goals for the new Austin, Texas office; Ending 287(g) agreements: An overview of the effort to keep local law enforcement out of the federal immigration enforcement work; Congress must take down Trump administration's barriers to citizenship; 2019 Phillip Burton Immigration & Civil Rights Awards; 2018 Annual Report