A Guide for Immigration Advocates
Completely updated in 2016. A Guide for Immigration Advocatesis a practical and essential tool for beginning immigration attorneys, immigration law firms employing paralegals, BIA accredited representatives, and nonprofit community-based...
Solicitudes de información bajo la Ley de Libertad de Información (FOIA)
Este video provee una introducción a, conocido como “FOIA”, por sus siglas en ingles. También provee información y ejemplos sobre como determinar cuándo y a que agencia debe de enviar su solicitud de FOIA, y ejemplos sobre cuando una solicitud de...
LGBTQ Immigration Special Considerations
This webinar highlights special considerations in LGBTQ immigration. We focus on cultural competency for legal practitioners working with LGBTQ immigrants; marriage-based petitions involving same-sex binational couples; asylum protection when...
Freedom of Information Act Requests
This videocast provides an introduction to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests and offers tips for how to file FOIA requests in immigration cases. It also provides information and examples regarding how to determine when and with which agency...
Choosing an Immigration Representative: How to Avoid Fraud
This resource is ideal for individuals who work directly with the immigrant community to raise awareness about immigration provider fraud prevention. In this one-hour video, staff attorney Erin Quinn discusses protections available under California...
Orientation to Immigration Law - Amagda Perez
Videos shown below:VAWA Self-PetitioningIntroduction to Grounds of InadmissibilityIntroduction to Grounds of Deportability
How to Complete DACA Request Forms – Part 2 (Videocast)
This video offers an overview of the DACA request process, explains how to fill out all of the required DACA forms, and outlines best practices and tips for completing the forms, which can be more complicated than they look. The presentation also...
A Personal Message from Aidin Castillo, ILRC Immigration Policy Attorney
In this short video, you’ll hear ILRC Immigration Policy Attorney, Aidin Castillo, offer her personal account about coming to the U.S. as a child, and describe the work that she’s doing to influence immigration reform legislation in Washington D.C.
23rd Phillip Burton Immigration & Civil Rights Awards
On Friday, May 31, 2013, the Immigrant Legal Resource Center joined with 300 friends, partners, and supporters to honor Senator Dick Durbin and Pulitzer Prize-winning author, Jose Antonio Vargas. The important role the Immigrant Legal Resource Center...
Innovation in Action: Micro Documentary by the New Americans Campaign
In just four minutes, this micro documentary about the New Americans Campaign will show you the needs that are being met and the difference that has already been made by this critical campaign.