Remedies and Strategies for Permanent Resident Clients
Protect your permanent resident clients from being removed under a deportation or inadmissibility ground using the expert analysis and framework for representation contained in this manual. Designed as a “how to” manual, we provide clear, concise and...
Practical Strategies for Immigration Relief: Family-Based Immigration and Executive Actions
In light of the continued failure of the U.S. Congress to pass meaningful immigration reform and the continued dysfunction of our immigration system, President Obama announced a series of immigration policy changes though executive action during his...
Parole in Immigration Law
Note: The Trump administration has heavily curtailed parole programs into the United States. For example, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) discontinued authorizing advance parole for DACA recipients; the administration terminated the...
New Americans Campaign Annual Naturalization Practitioners Conference “United for Citizenship”
This conference is for invited participants only.
U Visa & VAWA Series
U Visa & VAWA SeriesVAWA Fundamentals and Emerging Issues (4/20/17)U Visa Fundamentals and Emerging Issues (5/11/17)Register for both webinars at a discounted fee: $245 Regular / $160 Nonprofit
Naturalization Series
Naturalization SeriesUnderstanding FOIA and Other Records Requests (2/15/17)Hot Topics in Naturalization and Good Moral Character (3/30/17)Register for both webinars at a discounted fee: $245 Regular / $160 Nonprofit
Crimes Series
Crimes SeriesDangers and Benefits of Legalized and Medical Marijuana (2/8/17)Clean Slate for Immigrants: How Immigrants Can Erase or Mitigate their Criminal Records (6/7/17)Register for both webinars at a discounted fee: $245 Regular / $160 Nonprofit
Clean Slate for Immigrants: How Immigrants Can Erase or Mitigate their Criminal Records
CLE certificates will only be issued if you attend the entire duration of the webinar (e.g. 90 minutes) and login to the video portion of the webinar via the Internet. Simply dialing in to the webinar via telephone line and listening without logging...
Parole in Immigration Law
CLE certificates will only be issued if you attend the entire duration of the webinar (e.g. 90 minutes) and login to the video portion of the webinar via the Internet. Simply dialing in to the webinar via telephone line and listening without logging...
U Visa Fundamentals & Emerging Issues
CLE certificates will only be issued if you attend the entire duration of the webinar (e.g. 90 minutes) and login to the video portion of the webinar via the Internet. Simply dialing in to the webinar via telephone line and listening without logging...