The ILRC's newsletter, The Immigrant Advocate, is published bi-annually. Each edition of The Immigrant Advocate features articles about ILRC’s current work in advancing immigrant rights. ILRC’s Annual Report provides an overview of our previous year and includes our financial position and highlights of the year’s focus.
Latest in Newsletters & Annual Reports
In this issue: The Fight for a Permanent Inclusive Legislative Solution, ILRC Field Office Run Down, #FindYourAlly college outreach digital content, and much more!
In this issue: New Americans Campaign Celebrates 10th Anniversary, Policy Highlight: ILRC v. Wolf, Youth At the Border, and more.
In this issue: HETAP - Reaching Immigrant Students on College Campuses, Organizing - The Heart of the Movement, Office Roundups, and more.
In this issue: Message from the ILRC, All Virtual Burton "Event" Honors Frontline Heroes, and the 2019 Annual Report
One of the most heartbreaking and galvanizing assaults on immigrant and human rights in 2018 was the administration’s policy of separating families seeking asylum, or other relief, at our borders. Read about how the ILRC responded in our 2018 Annual Report.