What is 287(g)?
287(g) is a program for allowing state and local agencies to act as immigration enforcement agents. Under 287(g), ICE forms an agreement with a state or local agency - most often a county sheriff that runs a local jail - and this agreement delegates specific immigration enforcement authority to designated officers within the local agency. These agreements are also known as “287(g) contracts” or “MOAs” (Memorandum of Agreement). The program gets its name from section 287(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act.
287(g) agreements are designed to extend the reach of the Trump deportation machine by getting localities to do ICE’s work at their own expense. 287(g) agreements lead to racial profiling, civil rights violations, isolation of immigrant communities, and family separations. When local officials are working with ICE, police stop and harass Latinx residents at increased rates, while immigrants withdraw from their communities, avoid business that requires them to give their personal information, and decline to participate in public events where law enforcement may be present.
In 287(g) jurisdictions, ending these contracts is an essential first step to disentangling local law enforcement from ICE, which is why we’ve mapped these agreements nationwide below.
Ending 287(g): A Toolkit for Local Organizers (2020)
A toolkit for local organizers fighting 287(g) agreements in their communities, whether those agreements already exist, are pending, or are a potential threat. -
Digital Media Toolkit for Ending 287(g) (2020)
This digital toolkit includes talking points and sample social media posts. -
287(g) FOIA Documents (2018)
Collected documents relating to 287(g) from a national FOIA to ICE, including emails about joining the 287(g) program, applications, and interest level of various communities across the country. -
Warrant Service Officer (WSO) Program FAQ (2020)
FAQ about ICE’s newest model of 287(g), the Warrant Service Officer (WSO) program. -
Changes to the 287(g) Program MOAs (2020)
ICE has changed the standard language for 287(g) agreements. This resource highlights and explains the most significant changes and provides a line by line comparison of old and new contracts.
National Map of 287(g) Agreements
The map below represents the total jurisdictions across the country that currently have 287(g) agreements as of March 25, 2025. It also shows jurisdictions that previously terminated these programs.
Jurisdictions that are colored red represent the 62 jurisdictions that signed 287(g) agreements under the Jail Enforcement Program; orange represents the 75 jurisdictions that signed 287(g) agreements under the Warrant Service Officer Program; and green represents 41 jurisdictions that have ended 287(g) agreements.