Flow Chart on Penalties for Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude

Post-Conviction Relief
Removal Defense
U Visa/T Visa/VAWA
Publication Date

Penalties for crimes involving moral turpitude (CIMTs) are based on several factors, such as the number of CIMTs, date of commission, imposed and/or potential sentence, and whether there was a conviction versus admission of the conduct. The result is that determining whether a CIMT penalty actually applies can be quite complex.  This set of four flow charts can be used to answer four questions about a case: is the particular person deportable; inadmissible or barred from establishing good moral character; barred from applying for non-LPR cancelation; or subject to mandatory detention, based on CIMTs?

Related resource. For an analysis of the many ways that a CIMT can affect your client, see ILRC, Practice Advisory: All Those Rules About Crimes Involving Moral Turpitude (June 2020) available at https://www.ilrc.org/all-those-rules-about-crimes-involving-moral-turpitude. This advisory covers thirteen major rules regarding CIMT penalties and defenses, and includes analysis of several recent cases.
